Legal Collections

Atradius Legal Collections helps you take action against your debtor, wherever they are in the world. We provide professional advice, expected outcomes and access to a global network of lawyers.


Order to cash cycle


Atradius Legal Collections: legal debt collection support throughout the world


Legal Collections


Our Legal Collections team focuses on supporting you in overcoming the challenges of taking legal steps against your debtors. This is often the best route forward once Amicable Debt Collection attempts have been exhausted, but pose unique difficulties. These may include language barriers and varying laws in different jurisdictions, or implementing appropriate legal debt collection activities, such as the work of bailiffs.

The Atradius Collections legal department works with a network of specialist law firms to enable you to initiate legal activities in 96% of the world’s countries.

Our legal team additionally provides you with professional advice on the feasibility of your legal action and insight into the expected outcome. Linked together in an integrated network to deliver a flexible international solution, our team provides special and detailed local expertise. This covers a diverse range of individual business cultures, debt colelciton laws and regulati­ons.

Our Legal Collection services activities include:

  • Advice on possible legal action and the expected outcome
  • Access to our legal networks including: lawyers, knowledge and expertise
  • Legal collection activities (bailiff, court action and enforcement measures)
  • Accompanying you throughout the legal proceedings
  • Cost effective action due to preferential rates pre-negotiated with legal practices

Atradius International Debt Collections Handbook

We publish the International Debt Collections Handbook to provide you with additional support in understanding the more complex aspects of legal collection cases. The Handbook contains an overview of both amicable and legal procedures for 42 countries and is available on request. Contact us for your copy of the International Debt Collections Handbook.

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