Business-to-business debt recovery

Demand letters for payment

Atradius Collections was rated Debt Collection Agency of the Year 2022 by the Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM). 

Atradius Collections' demand letter services can help you resolve debts globally without litigation and retain relationships with your B2B customers.

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Atradius Collections Demand Letters

Outsourcing these activities to Atradius Collections allows you to focus on your core business - while we chase payments on your behalf.

  • Sending demand letters help you step up your collections effort in a cost-effective way. When demand letters are sent by a third party, they signify strong warnings and your intention to pursue the matter. They also give you ground for taking stronger measures if necessary.
  • As an Atradius Collections customer, you have access to our reports on the demand letters sent, keeping you up to date with our mailing activities.
  • Is your organization seeking to outsource the sending of Demand Letters from a reputable global debt collection firm? 

Request a consultation or quote

payment demand letter letter requesting payment of overdue account letter of demand business debt collection agency | Atradius Collections

For a commitment-free consultation or quote, please fill out our request form.

  • Customizable B2B Demand Letters

Together with you, we decide the language(s), content, and frequency of the demand letters we send to your customers.

  • We act as your local debt collection team

We send all our demand letters and debt collection emails from our local teams based in the location where your customers are located. This gives the message(s) more leverage than if they are sent from abroad. We have 30+ offices with debt collection experts around the globe.

  • Official, final warnings

When demand letters are sent with our addresses and letterhead, they give greater weight to your dunning process. They put your customers on notice that you will escalate if they keep defaulting on payments.

  • Necessary preparations for escalation

In case your customers remain unresponsive, the sent demand letters give you sufficient proof to take immediate action on debt collection, either amicably or legally.

Outsourcing Demand Letters for greatest effect

Our customers tell us that our Collection Letters and Final Demand For Payment Letters are particularly useful for smaller debts that are difficult to chase due to the high numbers but low values. These debts can take up a significant amount of your time to collect, tying up large amounts of your resource. Our collection letters provide a simple and effective option for escalation with minimal cost.

One example of how Final Demand Letters can be used to great effect included a customer who wanted to clean up an outstanding ledger. The company had grown significantly and internal resource could not be allocated to chasing unpaid debts; these were scheduled to be written off. We worked closely with the company’s credit controller, sending Collect Letters on their behalf.

Following the letters, 55% of the ledger was recovered. The company continues to use our services as a part of their dunning process and, four years on, their bad debt has reduced from 54% to 0.4% with a business growth of 124%.

Contact us for a free consultation or quote:

*You need to be a business entity in order to make use of our services.
*We only collect commercial debts - both you and your debtor(s) need to be business entities. We DO NOT collect personal debts.
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