Privacy Statement

Atradius N.V., together with its subsidiaries and branches (“Atradius”), is a global provider of credit insurance, surety, reinsurance, debt collections and business information/intelligence services. Atradius operates in a business-to-business market. The products and services offered by Atradius aim to help companies around the world understand and protect against the default risks associated with the selling of goods and services and, in so doing, safeguard their sales. With these services we enable trade on a worldwide scale.

When providing our products and services, Atradius acts as "controller". We collect and process information mainly on companies and businesses. However, in the process of doing so, we also process data that may be qualified as “personal data” which is any information relating to an individual (e.g. a sole trader, a company director, a beneficial owner, a professional contact etc.). Your trust in how we handle your personal data is important to us. When you use our websites, applications, portals, sign-up for our newsletters, engage our services as a representative or contact person of our customer, trade (as a counterparty) with our customers or do business with us as our business partner or supplier, it is important to us to use your personal data carefully and securely in a transparent manner.

In this Privacy Statement we provide information we are required to give in relation to the processing of personal data under data protection law. We explain for instance the purposes and grounds of the processing of personal data, the categories of personal data concerned, the categories of the sources and the recipients of the personal data, data retention and your rights as data subject.

Atradius subsidiaries or branches may also have additional privacy notices on their own (local) websites. For Atradius Instalment Credit Protection (Belgium), please go to its website for specific privacy information.

Updates to this Privacy Statement

We strive for continuous improvement in our services, processes and protecting your personal data rights, so we may update this Privacy Statement from time to time. Therefore, we advise you to check this statement on a regular basis. This Privacy Statement was updated on 10 January 2024.

When do we collect personal data and when does this Privacy Statement apply?

This Privacy Statement applies to all individuals and representatives of companies that Atradius interacts with. Atradius will process your personal data for different purposes and under a different legal ground depending on your relationship with us.

We describe in detail when we collect and process personal data, our purposes and legal grounds for doing so and how we control access to your information here: Privacy Statement: Data protection policy | Atradius 


Elke publicatie die beschikbaar is op of vanaf onze websites, zoals, maar niet beperkt tot webpagina's, rapporten, artikelen, publicaties, tips en nuttige content, blogs, infographics, video's (hierna ‘Publicatie’) wordt louter ter informatie verstrekt en is niet bedoeld als beleggingsadvies, juridisch advies of enige aanbeveling aan de lezer(s) met betrekking tot specifieke transacties, investeringen of strategieën. Lezers zijn zelf verantwoordelijk voor het nemen van commerciële en andere beslissingen omtrent de verstrekte informatie. Hoewel Atradius al het noodzakelijke heeft gedaan om te verzekeren dat de informatie in enige Publicatie verkregen is van betrouwbare bronnen, kan Atradius niet verantwoordelijk gesteld worden voor fouten of omissies, of voor de resultaten verkregen door gebruik van deze informatie. Alle informatie in enige Publicatie wordt gegeven ‘zoals ze is’, zonder garantie op volledigheid, accuraatheid, tijdsgebondenheid, of op de resultaten verkregen door gebruik van de publicatie, en zonder garantie van enige soort, uitdrukkelijk of geïmpliceerd. In geen geval zal Atradius, haar gerelateerde partners of corporaties, of de partners, agenten of werknemers hiervan verantwoordelijk gesteld kunnen worden voor enige genomen beslissing of actie die zij zouden nemen op basis van de in enige Publicatie verstrekte informatie, of voor enig verlies van kansen, winstderving, productieverlies, omzetverlies of gevolgschade, speciale of soortgelijke schade van welke aard dan ook, zelfs wanneer de lezer in kennis is gesteld van de mogelijkheid van dergelijke verliezen of schade.