Case Studies

The best way we can support your business is to understand your aims and challenges. Learn how we work closely with our customers and what they have to say about us.

How we help our customers


As part of BASF's efforts to improve accounts receivable management, a business decision was made to consolidate collections activities with Atradius Collections.

World Map

Colt Technology Services

Colt Technology Services expect the best from their business partners. Three years ago, unhappy with their existing supplier, the company chose Atradius Collections to handle their debt management.





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Hewlett Packard Inc.

In 2008, Hewlett Packard had a problem.  Collecting debts  from B2B customers or  non-responsive customers took an unwanted toll on the organisation’s resources and the success rate was disappointing. So HP decided to outsource these difficult cases to Atradius Collections.


Paying Online 3-2


TIM SA's decision to focus on their e-commerce segment, moving away from the traditional wholesale network model, created a challenge in the management of their customers' overdue invoices. Find out why they decided to make use of Atradius Collections for the management of their accounts receivables.

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Amicable Debt Collection


We help you cultivate and retain positive working relationships with your customers by providing non-contentious solutions through our amicable debt collection services.

International Debt Collections Handbook

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our services and debt collection process.


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