Atradius Collections partners up with Dun & Bradstreet

A cooperation in Indonesia enabling us to offer flexible collections services to meet clients’ specific requirements.



Indonesia partners



The Indonesian economy has recorded strong growth over the past few decades, and is one of the top economies of the world. It’s economic performance has been shaped by government policy, the country’s endowment of natural resources and its young and growing labour force. Because of the economic deterioration in China, the use of lower production centres compared to Chinese companies, we see a focus change visible from the export to domestic consumption. Alongside the industrialization of its economy, Indonesia’s trade openness has increased over the past half century. Based on findings from the payment studies Atradius produces each year, we see a deterioration of past dues, late payments and pressure on liquidity all over the marketplace.

Local service is the key to the market

Indonesia is already a big player in South East Asia. The demand for trade and trade credit insurance are increasing, and alongside that we also see an increase in debt collection matters. Indonesia is a large country with a specific culture, language and legal environment. Therefore, a local cooperation serves to further strengthen Atradius Collections understanding of Indonesia’s business environment.

With that in mind, Atradius Collections has set up a cooperation agreement with P.T. Dun & Bradstreet Indonesia, based in Jakarta. Atradius Collections will now have the support to increase its debt collections activities locally.


Having a cooperation in Jakarta enables us to offer flexible services to meet clients’ specific requirements. Access to a local network makes it easier to ensure increased speed of communication and service, and higher chances of collecting outstanding debts. It is our mission to continue Atradius Collections’ positive reputation of encouraging healthy relationships between our clients and their debtors through increased local expertise

Raymond van der Loos, Managing Director
Atradius Collections

There is a need to be local, a need to leverage expertise and branding of Atradius Collections and Dun & Bradstreet into the market. By starting this crucial partnership we are able to leverage each other’s strengths in order to maximize collection results for our joint customers.

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