Atradius Collections expands services into Dubai

A cooperation in Dubai enabling us to offer flexible collections services to meet clients’ specific requirements.




dubai city centre


The economy of the United Arab Emirates is the second largest in the Middle East, but lower oil prices are expected to limit economic growth for the foreseeable future. Overall, the risk trend is rising in the Middle East, especially in economies that depend heavily on oil revenues. As a result, the number of unpaid invoices is on the rise (Source: MENA Country report - UAE 2016), which creates  the demand for debt collections services.

Local service is crucial

Dubai is considered an important regional hub for trade and services (Source: Trade successfully with the UAE). As a leading credit insurer, Atradius Crédito y Caución already co-operates with a well-established Dubai-based insurance company, Orient Insurance PJSC . A local cooperation is also crucial for Atradius Collections to fully understand Dubai’s business environment and legal differences in the Middle East. 
Thanks to the existing cooperation between Atradius Crédito y Caución and Orient Insurance PJSC, Atradius Collections now has the support to increase its customer service locally. Client Relations Team advisor Sangeeta Atmaramani will offer direct support to local customers regarding our wide debt collections service offering. Raymond van der Loos, Managing Director, Atradius Collections:  ”Having a cooperation in Dubai enables us to offer flexible services to meet clients’ specific requirements. Access to a local network  makes it easier to ensure increased speed of communication and service. It is our mission to continue Atradius Collections’ positive reputation of encouraging healthy relationships between our clients and their debtors through increased local expertise”.

A global player

Atradius Collections is one of the world’s leading commercial debt collection agencies, with  presence in 25 countries and trade invoice collection services offered in 96% of all countries.  A local  service presence in Dubai will improve the flow of communication, foster trust internally and enhance the local service for customers in the Middle East. 

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