Facts and Figures

We’re one of the world’s leading commercial debt collection agencies. Here’s a summary of our business, including our global size, length of history, success rates and financial strength rating.

Atradius Collections at a glance

Length of operations

  • We have gathered experience since the year 1925

Global size and reach

  • We provide commercial debt collection support throughout 96% of countries worldwide
  • We’re present in 40+ countries
  • We support more than 15,000 customers
  • We handle over 90,000 cases of commercial debt on average every year

Whether the debt is domestic or foreign, we have an extensive network of collections agencies (480+) and collectors, who speak your debtors language and understand the local collections norms and requirements.

Financial strength rating

Our financial strength rating has been listed by ratings agencies A.M. Best as A (excellent) with a stable outlook, and Moody’s as A2 with a negative outlook. This confirms our strong operational performance and stability.


Agency A.M. Best Moody's
ESG Credit Impact Score    Neutral-to-Low (CIS-2)
Rating A (excellent), outlook stable A2, outlook stable
Last update July 2022 August 2022
Website A.M. Best website Moody’s website

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