Mission and Vision

Helping companies improve cash-flow worldwide since 1925

Mission and vision

Our Vision

Supporting our customers' growth, wherever they trade in the world, by delivering local expertise in receivables management.


Putting people first is central in our commitment to make our Vision a reality. We understand that a one-size-fits-all approach to debt collection and receivables management cannot work in every case.

We make sure we focus on your needs as an individual business and provide a dedicated point of contact, supported by over 350 collections specialists working worldwide. Our international team specialises in understanding local customs and adhering to the laws of the world’s jurisdictions.

Mission and vision

Our Mission


We are there when you are trading around the world

We are there to improve your cash flow

We are there to help you grow

We are there to collect outstanding invoices

We are there to manage your receivables

We are there to help you focus on your core business

We are there when you need local expertise

We are there when you are facing cultural barriers

We are there.

We are where you are. We speak your language and your customer's language. We understand local cultures and processes. This local expertise, a genuinely global mindset, transparent pricing and simple processes are the building blocks of seamless delivery and results for your business.

Governance Principles

In our position as part of the Atradius group, which provides trade credit insurance services, bonding and reinsurance as well as commercial debt collection support, we acknowledge the importance of good corporate governance.

We adhere to the Governance Principles that were drawn up by the Dutch Association of Insurers outline principles for Dutch insurance companies in terms of corporate governance, risk management, audit and remuneration. You can download a copy of the Governance Principles, and how we at Atradius apply this code, here.


Gerelateerde content

Facts and Figures

We’re one of the world’s leading commercial debt collection agencies. Here’s a summary of our business, including our global size, length of history, success rates and financial strength rating.

Our History

Atradius Collections is part of a well-established global business that has been promoting secure trade through quality credit insurance and credit management services for more than 90 years.

What our customers say

See the results of our latest Customer Satisfaction Survey and key customer testimonials on how we build strong working relationships with an understanding of individual need and market knowledge.


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