Industry Performance Forecast August 2024

Market Monitor

  • Maleisië,
  • Mexico,
  • Nederland,
  • Nieuw-Zeeland,
  • Fillippijnen,
  • Polen,
  • Portugal,
  • Singapore,
  • Slowakije,
  • Slovenië,
  • Zuid-Korea,
  • Spanje,
  • Zweden,
  • Zwitserland,
  • Taiwan,
  • Thailand,
  • Turkije,
  • Verenigde Arabische Emiraten,
  • Verenigde Staten,
  • Verenigd Koninkrijk,
  • Vietnam
  • Landbouw,
  • Duurzame consumptiegoederen,
  • Voeding,
  • Electronica/ICT,
  • Machines/Engineering,
  • Bouw,
  • Papier,
  • Financiële diensten,
  • Chemie/Farmacie,
  • Automotive/Transport,
  • Staal,
  • Metaal,
  • Diensten,
  • Textiel

28 aug 2024

A snapshot of the credit risk situation and business performance of 15 major industries in over 30 markets. The forecast is based on the assessment of Atradius underwriters

Main changes since March 2024:

Construction/Construction Materials in Asia

Hong Kong: Down from Fair to Poor

Lower demand and a more subdued performance of large construction players negatively impact the sector.

Japan: Down from Fair to Poor

Increasing insolvencies in the construction sector due to higher costs and labor shortages.

Philippines: Up from Poor to Fair

The construction sector is expected to grow by 7% in 2024, supported by government projects to improve infrastructure and energy development.

Thailand: Down from Fair to Poor

Despite growth driven by infrastructure projects, the sector suffers from public project and budget delays, construction material price volatility and liquidity shortages. This has led to rising payment delays.

Machines Engineering in Europe and Asia

Czech Republic: Down from Fair to Poor

Still high input prices and low external demand negative affect the entire industry. Some machinery companies related to the agricultural sector are facing serious troubles.

Poland: Down from Fair to Poor

The sector suffers decreasing internal and external demand. In particular the agricultural machines segment is deteriorating as demand is decreasing the third year in a row, with ongoing liquidity problems and late payments.  

Slovakia: Down from Fair to Poor

Still high input prices and low external demand negative affect the entire industry. Some machinery companies related to the agricultural sector are facing serious troubles.

Malaysia: Up from Poor to Fair

The credit risk situation of the sector is benign and the outlook stable.

Philippines: Up from Poor to Fair

The credit risk situation of the sector is benign and the outlook stable.

Please download our updated industry performance weather chart below.


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